Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Single and Snarky

My past few posts are more cynical than I'd like to admit. As a self-professed optimist, I maintain that life is only as great as I can argue it. That being said, I like to allow a healthy level of cynicism in order to gain perspective. And as of late, I think that my general angst has allowed for some deep reflection, healthy motivation, and a general push in the right direction.

I've also been contemplating where I want to take this blog. As I said in my last post, I'm not like most other Mormon mommy bloggers out there, namely because I'm not a mommy. I don't have any recipes for canning your own baby food, and I most definitely couldn't tell you where to find a spouse. So, maybe I'll market my singleness - my fresh perspective on what it's like to be a single woman in a society where you only matter if you're married.

A couple of days ago, I found this beautiful song online. Nellie McKay says it better than I ever could, and so I'll let her tell my story for me.

I celebrate and revere motherhood. If you read past the last few cynical entries, you'll find that I'm pretty much destined to be an elementary school teacher or a mom with a minivan full of children. While I understand this intrinsic need to bear and nurture life, I also fight against the societal norms that rank my worth on my ability to follow a Martha Stewart recipe.

I want to do it, have it, be it all, and in the process, I want to tell the world that I matter and that my single voice can rise above the chorus of screaming children (and their parents).

And no, I cannot stand Danielle Steel.

1 comment:

Erica & Benjamin said...

I think worth has nothing to do with being a mother, or even wife. The times are changing, my friend. Lots of women are being put down because of their choice to have a family over a career. Embrace your singleness - being in a relationship isn't all it's cracked up to be.