Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Good Thing.

Over the past four weeks, I've become accustomed to going to bed much later than I should. I justify the sleep deprivation with the fact that I have a social life, something that I feared no longer existed for me in this town. I'll spare you the details of all my late nights, but suffice it to say, they're spent mostly with one person doing a lot of one thing. You draw your own conclusions.

Well, he's sick. And it turns out that people who are ill need a lot more sleep than the usual 5-6 hours that we were going off of. For the past four nights, I've had to gather my wits at 10:00 and realize that it's not necessary to stay awake for another 4 hours. In fact, I can go to bed before midnight in order to escape all those "You look tired" comments from my coworkers. I'll readily admit that this little illness has been the best thing that could have happened to my sleep patterns.

So, while I pray for him to get better (and soon), I'm also very grateful for the added sleep that I'm getting. It's a good thing.

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