I'm not feeling very philanthropic at the moment. Actually, it's been more than a moment, and I don't know which is worse - the fact that I don't care about people, or the fact that I don't want to care about people. It seems that my harmonious feelings only extend towards those that I don't live with/by/near, and I can't manage to love those people with whom I interact most closely.
Case in point: you tell me about someone in Africa who has AIDS, and I'll gladly send you a $10 check to help the cause. But, you tell me that I have to clean one more of my lazy roommates' dirty dishes, and I will break something.
Also, as a self-proclaimed democrat, I'm supposed to be all about using the government's dollar to help out the less fortunate. I'm all for universal healthcare, and I'm (mostly) grateful for the welfare program, when it's used wisely. That said, I overheard some people talking about unemployment and disability benefits today (and these weren't people with disabilities), and I wanted to scream at them. If I can find not one, but two low-paying jobs in order to make ends meet, why can't you find a way to get your butt out from under the playground and to workforce services? Literally. They were sitting under a playground. It's frustrating for me to see people abuse the system that I work so hard to accept. I would happily fight for the rights of the underrepresented or misunderstood, but I won't stand by and watch people abuse the system.
There you have my rant. I'm done sticking my neck out for people who refuse to return the favor, and I'm definitely done serving those who cannot show their appreciation for my service.
The end.