Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Itty Bitty Pity Party

Allow me to complain for just one post.

Most of the time I'm fairly forthcoming about my imperfections. I'll be the first to admit all of my major (and minor) flaws to a crowd, and I'm pretty quick to laugh at all of my quirks. I don't even have a most embarrassing moment, because I'm both easily embarrassed and easily assuaged from those feelings. I've pretty much learned to roll with life's punches, but that doesn't mean that there aren't things I'd like to change about my circumstances.

I'd like to get asked on dates.

I don't think any of my guy friends know just how flattering it would be for them to take me out, even once. I can spend hours with the opposite sex without them ever realizing that I'm interested in them, let alone that they could initiate some sort of reciprocal friendship (or the potential for a relationship...) without me demanding an engagement ring or some sort of long-term commitment.

When I see all of my other girlfriends getting asked on multiple dates by multiple guys, I often wonder where I'm lacking in the whole flirting/being attractive department. I am constantly trying to be the best version of myself that I can be, but that version doesn't include someone with a high-pitched phony laugh or a trendy hairstyle/wardrobe. The real Emily only knows how to love and care for people like they're already the most important people in the world. I don't know how to impress them to think the same about me, though. I don't mean to put myself on a pedestal, but I often wonder if my maternal caring- and nurturing-side is scaring off the boys from wanting to date me. After all, who wants to date their mom?

I don't think I'll really ever know the answer to these questions. Please don't think for a moment that I'm not happy with my life, though. I have the most incredibly caring and kind guy friends that a girl could ask for. Now, if only I could get a date, I'd be set.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Touche, dear. Touche.