Thursday, February 5, 2009

Waiting on slow internet connections

As I sit here waiting for Netflix to finish adjusting for my slow internet connection, I feel prompted to write a blog. I am pretty sure that my life's musings are of little to no interest of the rest of the world, but I find them fascinating all the same.
Today as I walked home from class with a friend, I briefly told her my blog "title" and shared with her what I thought it meant. Let me relay those thoughts again in complete, semi-coherent sentences:
My life is a snapshot. I do ordinary things, framed by ordinary people in a normal world of blue skies and green grass (covered by grey-white snow). At almost every moment I can be found doing something normal, but it's those few special moments that I care the most deeply about. It is those moments of perfectly positioned beauty and understanding that make me want to continue on in the mundaneness of life.
My life is a series of synapses. I am constantly thinking, wondering, feeling, and hypothesizing about the world around me. Those "ordinary" things that I mentioned above do not escape my attention, and I feel alive when I can make connections between the "real" (walking down the street, seeing a stranger, saying hello) and the "imaginary" (reading a book, meeting a character, falling in love). I am on a quest to combine those "real" and "imaginary" aspects of my life into something grander than I can make from these few words.
My life is a synecdoche. I am a part of something which is wholly bigger than I can possibly comprehend. I am one of six billion people trying my best to live my life the way I should. However, I truly believe that amongst those six billion people, I am the only one who can live my life, feel my emotions, and think my thoughts. With this synecdochizing phenomena, I am able to be a part that somehow makes the whole better. I hope I can; I know I can.
There you have it. My life in three alliterating words. I cannot think of a better way to describe who I am or how I'm living right here, right now. I love it, and I'm so proud of the life I'm a part of.

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