Saturday, January 12, 2013

Self-Diagnosed Hypochondriac

Sometimes I feel a tingle in the back of my throat. If I wanted, I could suck on a cough drop, drink some water, pop an *antibiotic - the things that normal people do to alleviate their pain. But, no. I'm a curious person, so the only logical thing for me to do is to research the cause, symptoms, and prognosis of such a throat tingle.

Web M.D. is not my friend.

Many times has a light headache turned into a brain aneurism, stroke, alien abduction. There was that time that I thought I had fertilizer poisoning causing me to turn a smurf-ish blue; it turned out to be the dye from my new pants. Most recently, I attributed lightheadedness to toxic mold poisoning, when it more likely stems from dehydration, poor air quality (I live in a smoggy city), you name it.

I'm not dying. It turns out that I'm not even sick. The only thing wrong with me is that I have an obsessive need to find out what's wrong with me. It can be quite debilitating.

*I am in no way condoning the overuse of prescription drugs, specifically antibiotics.

1 comment:

Sean, Stacey and McKenzie said...

I did the same thing when I bought Keznie some knew jeans a year ago. I thought her legs were going to fall off because they were dark blue. After freaking out for an hour, her dad figured out it was the jeans.

By the way, that tickle in your throat is the swine flu. Go get swabbed. And stop popping antibiotics. They don't work like that.