Here are Emily's Happiness Resolutions:
Keep an active mind by reading at least one news article per day and one book per month.
Give three sincere compliments per day.
Look for the good in others. Don't gossip.
Love who I once was, who I am now, and who I'm becoming. Accept the past and shape the future. Most importantly, though: live in the present.
Try to see others' points of view.
Tune in to spirituality; understand what allows me to feel the spirit most strongly.
Keep an organized mind, heart, and home.
Act the way I want to feel.
And most importantly, be Emily. (These last two I stole from Gretchen. Yeah, we're on a first-name basis.)
I'm sure I'll think of more things to add in the coming months, and I hope that my outline will follow some of the same methods that I found in the book. I really like the monthly outlines that Gretchen uses, and I think I'll post a bit each month about my specific resolutions and projects for that particular month. Beginning in January, I plan to de-clutter my bedroom(s) and my mind, freeing up extra space and time for more fruitful projects. We'll see how it all pans out; I'm excited to start focusing on such a simple and profound concept, my happiness, and I hope that I can make a few other people happy in the process.
Wish me luck. It's all smiles from here on out. :)