Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog, What?

It turns out that I haven't written on this thing in over a month.

It also turns out that this is my hundredth post on this here blog.

Talk about high expectations.

Life is so normal right now, and besides the fact that I'm choosing to go to bed at 10:30 rather than attend a Halloween party, I'm pretty much that same old crazy person.
Today, I asked to play with the child again. It's been over two months since I last saw him, and boy have I missed that kid. We filled our afternoon with leaf piles, Chick-fil-a, and some early Christmas shopping. It was a blast.

And other than that, I don't really have much to report. I might decide to post some of my fiction on here pretty soon, provided that I revise it some and make it acceptable for young readers. (ha. yeah right.) I'll also try to do something more exciting so that I can actually make a solid - or solidly informed - post. In the meantime, check out some bad lipreading. It'll make you smile.

Mitt 2012. Stuff the Ice Chest.

(Oh yeah, I'm still planning to vote for Mr. Obama.)