Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, I haven't blogged in an eternally-long five months. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I just feel like I don't have anything to say. My life revolves around school, and with only ten weeks between now and academic freedom, I'm feeling a little bit of pressure. However, instead of being actively engaged in my thesis-writing, book-reading, test-loving life, I spend my days figuring out the best ways to avoid these tasks.

On to better topics:

Guess what? I got a final interview for Teach for America, even without having a phone interview. I feel extremely happy about this, and yet I'm still terrified for the final interview. This is something about which I am passionate, and I cannot imagine spending the next two years of my life in any other service. Let's just hope that it works out for the best. I also talked to a recruiter from TFA yesterday, and she gave me some really sound advice for preparing myself for the interview day and the experience as a whole. It was good to voice my opinions and concerns about the program, and I feel like I came away with an even bigger resolve to be a part of the TFA corps.

One last thing:

It's FALL! And I love it! And I have plans this weekend to travel to see the witches at Gardner Village! And I'm going to Kneaders! I can't wait!!!